Hartek Singh

Chairman & Managing Director

Mr. Hartek Singh is the Founder, Chairman & Managing Director of the Hartek Group. He started his journey in 1991 from a trading house, today “Hartek Group” has become one of the largest and fastest growing companies in the power sector with its interests ranging from Engineering, Construction, Renewables, and Manufacturing. In total, the organization operates across its 5 strategic business units namely Power Systems, Roof-top Solar, Power Distribution Products, Smart Cities, and Fuel Services. After completing a Bachelor’s degree in commerce from Delhi University and working as a sales representative for some years, he started the Hartek group with just Rs 7500 as initial capital in 1991. Over the years, Mr. Singh’s journey has become a testimony and an inspiration to many young managers and entrepreneurs.


He is actively associated with various industry bodies and other institutions to help the overall community to truly build a better world for the future.


– Chairman of IEEMA Northern Council
– Chairman of ASSOCHAM Power and Renewables committee(2016-2018)
– Member of Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)
– Member of World Punjabi Organisation (WPO)


Driven by core values of humility and simplicity, he envisions HARTEK GROUP as a nurturing platform that empowers young professionals to pursue their dreams, follow their passions, and cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs. His dream is to build HARTEK GROUP into an Indian MNC with a HEART.